
Our Stories, Ourselves

The title of my blog is "Our Stories, Ourselves." I believe that who we are and how we live our lives informs the stories we create and the stories we tell. I believe that leading and living a creative life is at the heart of how we're able to create and share stories--stories about ourselves and stories about characters; stories about our world and stories about otherworlds. We are intertwined with and intersected by stories and it's a precious few who have the gift to give the gift of story to others.

I was reminded of all of this today when I read Crescent Dragonwagon's piece  in The Horn Book called "Over and Over." As much an author's examination of and rejoicing in the crafting of a beautiful, classic picture book, this is a daughter's examination of and rejoicing in a mother's career and the impending end of a beautiful, classic life. It's one and the same. So, I share this post here for others to be inspired--with the reminder to us all to embrace our own lives and embrace the lives of others by continuing to craft and share our stories.

http://www.hbook.com/2012/11/authors-illustrators/over-and-over/  zolotow overandover 222x300 Over and Over

--  The Horn Book, November 15, 2012

 (c) emma d dryden, drydenbks llc 


  1. I love this idea and it seems we're sharing a mindspace. I wrote something similar on my blog today while discussing Sharon Creech's new book The Great Unexpected, that there may not be borders between stories and our lives.

    1. Exactly - the borders are soft between our stories and our lives. Thanks for your nice comment.

  2. I came here via a link from Harold Underdown, and I'm so glad I did. Thank you so much for leading me to Crescent Dragonwagon's essay. What a profoundly beautiful piece. As you say, so much to embrace.

    1. Thanks for taking a look at my blog, Amy!

  3. Thanks for sharing this. IT is very bittersweet. And although my mother never wrote or published books, she is at a similar time in her life. One we will all, hopefully, get to. Best wishes.

    1. Best wishes to you on this journey, Carol.

  4. Anonymous11/15/2012

    I agree. The kind of person I am informs my books since everything to me is a form of memoir. I've always told myself my books will get deeper if I get deeper, more compassionate if I head in that direction. I've seen that happen with my son's poems as well. Betsy xo

    1. Thanks so much, Betsy! I love the notion of everything you write being some form of memoir. xo
